Why you need an IEP/504 Strategist.

IEPs are confusing and it’s hard to know if what the school has planned is what is best for your child. Especially when you are in a daze with all of the information they just laid out. An advocate is there for support and to ensure that your child receives the best. An advocate helps you to understand available services, interpret test results, and work with the school to plan your Child’s IEP.

Learning concerns may take many forms. An advocate can help identify learning challenges and help to find any that may have been overlooked. An advocate empowers families and help to give a voice to our students.

Connect with me today and I will help you with resources, interpreting reports and evaluations, drafting requests, preparing you for IEP meetings, and more. Parenting is hard, you don’t have to do it alone.


Does your child need an IEP?