What parenting method is best for your family?
When it comes to parenting methods it is hard to decide which ones work best for you and your family. But to truly understand parenting methods, you must first understand the four parenting styles. The four parenting styles are permissive, authoritative, uninvolved and authoritarian. This week are going to dive into the pros and cons of each parenting style. Come back next week when we associate each method to different trending parenting techniques.
First up, permissive parenting is known for parents being nurturing and warm. Parents are also more reluctant to impose limits on their children.
Children who are allowed to express themselves freely, will have more confidence.
Children are allowed to have more freedom to do things, thus inspiring them to try new things and experience new adventures.
With fewer limits, children can experiment with new passions. Children who grow up with more fluidity are able to access their creative side more easily.
Without proper boundaries, children are left to fend for themselves. Children need boundaries to learn right from wrong. Without steadfast boundaries, children are more likely to participate in risky behaviors.
Some studies found that children who are raised by permissive parents are more prone to anxiety and depression. These children are taught to keep their problems to themselves, which causes them to withdraw.
Children who are able to rule the home tend to not have respect for others.
When it comes to food, parents may have an open kitchen so children are able to eat whatever they want throughout the day. Without limits to snacks, however, can lead to children not being hungry for major meals.
There are no limits to screen time which can lead to less outside time and activities that allow children to move around.
Next, authoritative parenting is the perfect balance between disciplinarian and pushover. These parents are warm and nurturing to their children while respecting their individuality. They have an end goal of producing well-rounded, independent, happy people who will be positive additions to society.
Children raised with this type of parenting are used to accountability and know that actions have consequences. They are less likely to give into peer pressure.
These children were raised with parents who respect them and thus know how to respect others.
Children of authoritative parents have been allowed to fail and learn from their failures. They have learned how to be resilient.
Because these children were able to make some of their own decisions, they have learned to be leaders.
Experts agree that this is the best and well rounded parenting style
This type of parents have high expectations for their children. So when children reach the rebellious stage, these parents may have a hard time with patience and adjusting the balance of rules and freedom.
Children raised with authoritative parents will have limited access to screen time. Screen time would be given to children at appropriate times according to their ages and development.
Uninvolved parenting, is where parents do not respond or provide for their child’s needs beyond food, shelter, and clothing. These needs are also met at the most basic level. These parents don’t set rules and do not provide guidance to their children.
Children raised with this type of parenting learn self-reliance and how to tend to their own basic needs at a young age
Children often are shown a lack of affection, thus affecting their attachment and self-esteem
School and outside activity performance may be less than average due to the lack of attention from parents
Parents will not be present at school activities and will not show interest in school work.
Authoritarian parenting, is the most strict of the four parenting styles and the exact opposite of permissive parenting. There are a lot of rules and regulations in this home with little to know input from the children.
Children know what is expected of them and have a good sense of right and wrong
Children are goal driven
According to studies, children raised with authoritarian parents have greater academic success
Children are used to strict do’s and dont’s and need guidelines to complete tasks
Children are reliant on self-worth and base their accomplishments on it
Can be emotionally withdrawn and shy away from emotion
Children often rebel against authority and want to test their limits and participate in risky behavior
Parents may limit or restrict screen time altogether.
Parents will have a “eat or go hungry” rule when it comes to food